Diabetes Symptoms - Why Wait For The Damage To Start?

We are in a worldwide diabetes epidemic. So much so that the individual American's risk for diabetes is approaching 100%. Consider these related findings.

What type of diet? Diabetes requires a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat with just the right about calories. There is 1200, 1500 and 1800 calorie diet depending on how much weight you might need to lose.

Type 2 diabetes is a silent disease. Often, an individual will have the condition for years before it is finally diagnosed. During this time, their body has been subjected to damage from the disease. This is why a diabetic should never ignore symptoms of any kind and why regular checkups are so important.

According to a mountain of clinical research, the answer to that question is a big, giant "yes"! In fact, many clinicians are now throwing body mass index, once one of the most precise indicators of the Type 2 diabetes Risk of Type Diabetes, out the window in favor of waist circumference.

Research shows that it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes... to decrease blood sugar levels, medication doses and the risk of complications. Type 2 diabetes left to run its course will mean sugar will continue to not be able to pass from your bloodstream into the cells of your body. And from that problem will come a great many others. To start with, you will continue to have no energy... glucose or sugar, is you body's energy source. It powers your thoughts, your movements and more or less everything you do.

Good natural food is always your best option for getting your daily nutrients. Just stay away from the processed foods that are lifeless and full of carbohydrates. Make drinking water an important part of your diet. Drink 8 glasses a day and stay away from any drink with sugar in it. Water is the best natural more info detox there is because it is safe.

It is not just dairy products, but low fat diary products that have impressed the medical experts. They have contributed to lowering the risk of diabetes in men. It includes low fat ice-creams too. At last, you can gorge on your favorite flavor!

If you are reading this blog and do not have diabetes there is good news. Losing weight, exercising and avoiding highly processed foods decreases your risk for diabetes by 58% if you have a family history of diabetes. Your risk is even lower if none of your ancestors have this disease.

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